The Times has reported on the results of a recent investigation on failing restaurant food hygiene ratings. 15,000 restaurants and food outlets across the UK were given a failing food hygiene rating, according to the investigation. This is equivalent to a score of to 0, 1, or 2 out of 5. What if it is a national branded outlet, high-end, Michelin starred, rated highly on Tripadvisor or Toptable and the rest. If it is then it will definitely be highly rated – yes? Well don’t be fooled by that! the Times investigation revealed some low scoring outlets which would definitely fall under this classification.
Food Hygiene Ratings data
The story demonstrates that standards are quite polarised. Data from the Food Standards Agency shows that the proportion of food establishments achieving broad food hygiene compliance fell from 91.2% in 2012/13 to 90.7% last year. Those achieving a score of 5 remains high at 70.1%.
MP’s have called for a change in the law to extend the mandatory requirement for food establishments to show their Food Hygiene Rating nationwide. Currently this is mandatory only in Wales and Northern Ireland so currently if you are in Wales, you will know by looking at the door what the score is. If you are in England you won’t know when you visit the establishment and we all know that can’t be right! Mind you if you do want to know what the food hygiene rating score is then don’t hesitate to visit Scores on the Doors, or download their app!
The Food Standards Agency Food Hygiene Rating Scoring System
The Food Standards Agency has classified each rating as follows:
0 Urgent Improvement Necessary
1 Major improvement Necessary
2 Some improvement Necessary
3 Generally Satisfactory
4 Good
5 Very Good
Failing Food Hygiene Ratings are described as a 0, 1 or 2 by The Food Standards Agency in their explanation of the Scheme
Over the coming weeks we shall be posting about some of the most common food hygiene standards failures and pitfalls. Avoiding these failures and pitfalls will help establishments with lower scores to achieve a 5. The FSA is, rightly, adamant that all outlets should be able to achieve a Food Hygiene Rating score of 5.
Find out more about our fabulous app HygieneCheck and discover how you can take control over food hygiene standards and achieve a Food Hygiene Rating of 5!