ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

Our quality consultants and auditors can offer support, either ad-hoc within your existing team, or as project leaders, towards implementation or maintenance of a quality management system based on ISO 9001 or an environmental management system based on ISO 14001.

ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

Our quality consultants and auditors can offer support, either ad-hoc within your existing team, or as project leaders, towards implementation or maintenance of a quality management system based on ISO 9001 or an environmental management system based on ISO 14001.

ISO 9001:2015 is the new version of this business quality management standard, operated worldwide amongst all industry sectors. ISO 9001:2015 is much less prescriptive than the previous version ISO 9001:2008. It incorporates much more in the way of business terminology and promotes a new way of thinking, incorporating a strategy of thinking about risk and opportunity in the way that things are done and the way in which systems and processes are set up. Many organisations now demand certification to a standard such as ISO 9001 of their supply base. The standard is based on 7 main, guiding sections within The Standard:-

  • Context of the Organisation – looking at internal and external factors that affect risks and opportunities and addressing those to ensure that the organisations aims are met and that customers are fully satisfied
  • Leadership – much more emphasis is placed on a top down approach where senior managers become fully involved in the quality system, ensuring a culture of quality spreads throughout the organisation
  • Planning – which establishes the need for quality objectives set alongside strategic goals arising from the risk and opportunity analysis and ensures that changes do not adversely impact on the business
  • Support – which looks at resources, staff development and competency
  • Operation – lays out the need to ensure customer requirements are understood, that the organisation can effectively deliver the product or service and that all aspects of service or production of fully controlled to prevent quality defects to product or service
  • Performance evaluation – directs a need for effective analysis and evaluation of systems, processes and customer satisfaction. This section icludes the review process, driven by internal audits and management review with top down communication to all levels to promote improvement
  • Improvement – ensures that the root cause and potential consequence of non-conformance is analysed and that actions are taken to effectively address the issue and to prevent recurrent problems.

ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an effective environmental management system. Protecting the environment and reducing pollution has clear benefits for any organisation, large or small. Our consultants have particular expertise in the food and associated industry, seeking to implement a bespoke system compliant with ISO 14001, or to become formally certified to this standard:-

  • Ethical –  your organisation is seen as a good citizen
  • Economic – Your organisation will realise the enormous benefits that can come with saving money by conserving energy and reducing waste
  • Legal – Your company will remain compliant with Environmental Legislation which protects the reputation and brand image of your organisation
  • Commercial – Environmental credentials attract new business – many organisations purchasing products or services include environmental diligence within their supplier approval process.

We proudly operate a unique system of collecting information on current environmental practices and potential improvement from all levels and departments of your organisation. This information we then use to review the Environmental Impacts of your organisation, to produce a set of Environmental Impact Assessments that are based on current practice, not just “off the shelf” and sometimes wholly inappropriate assessments. This enables us to help you set appropriate environmental objectives to plot improvement for the years ahead. We leave you with a bespoke Environmental Management System Manual which you and all within the organisation fully own and operate.

Get in touch with MQM Consulting today

We support all sectors of the food industry, specialising in the implementation of HACCP and food safety management systems

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